Discover our specialized Welding Wire suitable for MIG, TIG, & SAW welds. Designed for superior strength and adaptability.

Our welding wire is manufactured to your exact specifications, fulfilling a variety of filler needs for many technical processes. Whether you’re a fabricator or a wholesaler, Central Wire manufactures the MIG, TIG, and SAW welding wire you need.
Tous les produits de soudage sont fournis avec un certificat de conformité indiquant les propriétés physiques et mécaniques, y compris la chimie des alliages. Chaque produit de soudage est fabriqué pour avoir son propre numéro d'identification de lot unique pour une traçabilité complète du lot.
Our welding wire is manufactured in our ISO 9001:2015 certified facilities in the U.S., Canada, and the UK.
Welding Wire for MIG TIG & SAW Welding
Types de soudage

We manufacture welding wire suitable for different welding practices including:
Metal Inert Gas, also known as Gaz Metal Arc Welding (GMAW)
Tungsten Inert Gas, or Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW)
- VU
Visit our Page d'information sur les types de soudage to learn more.
Procédures de soudage

CWI Generation4 ™ Stainless Steel and Nickel Welding wire alloys can be used with many different joint styles and welding processes. Once the weld joint style, the filler material, and the process has been identified, a proper welding procedure can be identified.
Some factors to consider when choosing your welding wire and procedure are:
- Voltage
- Amperage (Current)
- Gas (Atmosphere)
Visit our Page Procédures de soudage recommandées pour trouver des informations détaillées sur la tension, l'ampérage (courant) et le gaz (atmosphère) à utiliser avec nos consommables de soudage dans votre application de soudage spécifique.
Les alliages

Our welding wire is available in a multitude of stainless et nickel–based alloys, including:
- ER209
- ER218
- 309LMo
- ER409NB
- Specialty Nickel Chrome Alloys:
– 276
– 622
– 625
– 686
– Alloy 59
les industries

We manufacture welding wire that is suitable for a variety of industries where the highest levels of quality and safety are required. Our welding wire consumables are used in les industries like:
- Pétrole et gaz
- Nourriture et boisson
- Automobile
- La défense
- Nucléaire
- Énergie
- Construction
- Marin
- Rail
- Structural Engineering
- Fabrication
For every welding application, Central Wire has a Generation4™ alloy that can meet your requirements. Some of the most common applications are:
- Fabrication de chars
- Superposition / revêtement
- Traitement chimique
- Les pipes
- Turbines hydrauliques
- Silencieux
- Pompes et Vannes
- Soudage cryogénique
- Boats and Barrages
- Fuel Lines
- Engine Parts
- Tubing

No matter your packaging needs, Central Wire can provide customized solutions to fit your applications. Multiple packaging and shipping options are available from our facilities in the US, Canada, and the UK, including:
- Bobines
- Bobines
- Batteries / Batteries
- Tubes
- White Labeling

We have a wide range of literature to assist you with your welding wire purchase. Our literature includes:
- Fil de soudage en acier inoxydable SDS
- Fil SDS de fil de soudure d'alliages de nickel
- Brochure sur le soudage Gen4 2020
- FDS du fil à souder en acier inoxydable (français)