
Red Metal Alloys

Copper Series

Oxygen-free, electronic copper
Oxygen-free Copper

Electrolytic tough-pitch copper

Copper Nickel

98 Cu – 2 Ni
94 Cu – 6 Ni
90 Cu – 10 Ni

77 Cu – 23 Ni

55 Cu – 45 Ni
70 Cu – 30 Ni, 70-30 Cupronickel

Nickel Silver

Cupronickel with Tin, 88 Cu – 9.5 Ni – 2.3 Sn
Nickel Silver, 65 Cu – 25 Zn – 10 Ni
Nickel Silver, 65 Cu – 17 Zn – 18 Ni
Nickel Silver, 65 Cu – 23 Zn – 12 Ni

Bronze Series

Commercial Bronze
Jewelry Bronze
Phosphor Bronze
Phosphor Bronze
Phosphor Bronze
Phosphor Bronze
Silicon Bronze
Silicon Bronze
Silicon Bronze

Copper Gen4 Welding

Deoxidized Copper is a filler metal containing 98% copper and small amounts of phosphorus and silicon. The C189 alloy is easy flowing and produces weld deposits that are porosity free, electrically conductive, and copper-color matched. C189 is used to repair weld copper castings, to weld galvanized steel and deoxidized copper to mild steel where high strength joints are not required. (Specification AWS A5.7 / ASME SFA 5.7 Class ERCu)

Deoxidized Copper (C189) ERCu

Silicon Bronze (may also be known as Everdur) is a copper-based filler metal containing about 3% silicon and may have small percentages of manganese, tin, and zinc. C656 is typically used for gas-tungsten arc welding and gas-metal arc welding of copper, brass, bronze, steel, galvanized steels and also cast iron. It is also used for surfacing areas that are subjected to corrosion. (Specification AWS S5.7 / ASME SFA 5.7 Class ERCuSi-A)

Learn more about GEN C656.



Brass Series

Red Brass
Low Brass
Cartridge Brass
Brass (Battery Grade)
Yellow Brass

Safety Data Sheets

CWI Website Alloy Summary for trademarks

MP35N® SPS Technologies, LLC.; Nitronic® AK Steel Corporation; Hastelloy®Haynes International, Inc.; MONEL® INCONEL® Huntington Alloys Corporation; INVAR® Aperam Alloys Imphy