Explore our top-tier coated cables, designed for unmatched durability and flexibility. Ideal for fitness equipment, aircraft, marine, & more.
Product Lines:
我们有能力为尺寸从 1/32" 到 1 3/8" 的电缆提供护套材料,包括专门的 LOLON® 系列。请查看以下我们的涂层电缆产品系列!
我们的 飞机电缆 is a highly durable and flexible cable designed for various high-strength applications, including aircraft systems, automotive uses, and lifting applications.
我们产品的涂层有助于提高电缆的整体性能和耐用性,使其适用于恶劣或苛刻的环境。查看 全部名单 of materials and construction sizes we manufacture to, check out our detailed table!
我们一直是高品质健身电缆值得信赖的来源,我们拥有 EXERFLEXPRO 品牌涂层健身电缆。十多年来,该电缆一直受到领先健身器材制造商的青睐,它在美国设计和制造,通过其平滑性和柔韧性增强了锻炼体验。
我们的健身电缆采用 7×19 结构, preformed galvanized steel with a black nylon jacket, unless otherwise specified. Check out our available sizes 这里!
Canveyor® 输送机电缆
我们带有 Lolon® 涂层的 Canveyor® 输送机电缆为输送机行业的耐用性和可靠性设定了标准。近四十年来,我们一直致力于生产最高质量的输送机电缆,以确保将停机时间降至最短,使您的生产线达到最高效率。
Kobra Koils
我们设计的 KobraKoils® 具有出色的多功能性,可用于自行车锁、工具平衡器、狗绳、拖车安全缆线、约束缆线和可伸缩捆绑缆线等各种应用。
Available in both jacketed or bare cable configurations, they can be customized in any color, length, and with any hardware attachment to meet your specific needs.
Reflexlite® is reflective wire rope, designed to significantly enhance safety by improving visibility in low light or nighttime environments. This innovative cable features a light-reflective coating, making it ideal for delineating hazardous areas with its visibility from several hundred feet away.
中央电线集团公司 铠装电缆, also known as tow target cable, is crafted for use in the most abrasive environments. It starts as a standard cable but is then fortified by wrapping and swaging a flat strip of metal around its exterior, significantly enhancing its durability and lifespan.
我们的 铠装缠绕电缆 can be manufactured in just about any construction and configuration in sizes ranging from 1/16″ to 5/16″. For added protection and weatherproofing, it can also be jacketed in a variety of materials from vinyl to nylon.
- 飞行与汽车控制系统
- 货物约束电缆
- 飞机接地和系留
- 紧急出口机制
- 支撑电缆(建筑、航空航天、船舶等)
EXERFLEXPRO Fitness Cable® 用于专业维修人员和原始设备制造商:
- 举重机
- 阻力训练设备
- 电缆交叉机
- 心肺设备
- 用于气象和研究的浮标系泊
- 海洋研究设备
- 海洋数据锚定
- 海底监测仪器
- 深海勘探设备
Canveyor® 电缆:
- 物料输送机
- 包装线
- 食品加工输送机
- 机场行李处理系统
- 采矿和工业输送机
- 自行车锁
- 狗绳
- 约束电缆
- 货物捆绑缆绳
- 拖车电缆
- 塔架导线
- 路边护栏
- 矿井安全照明
- 安全屏障
- 反光越野路标
- Aerospce Towing
- 海上锚泊
- 采矿作业
- 起重和提升
- 机械控制电缆