Les nombreuses applications de nos câbles à revêtement spécial

As industry leaders in Coated Cable manufacturing, we take the time to make the perfect product to meet our customers’ requirements every time.
Les assemblages de câbles et leurs utilisations commerciales

Grâce à nos capacités de fabrication et à la qualité de nos matières premières, notre gamme de produits d'assemblage de câbles est utilisée dans d'innombrables industries.
Fil profilé de qualité chez Central Wire UK

Fabriqués avec des alliages de première qualité dans des formes et des tailles variées, les possibilités de cette ligne de produits sont apparemment infinies.
Comment les produits CWI soutiennent l'industrie de la construction

Dans un secteur à forte intensité de main-d'œuvre comme celui de la construction, il est essentiel d'utiliser des matériaux qui travaillent aussi dur que vous.
Applications de nos treillis métalliques en cuivre

Le cuivre est l'un des alliages les plus polyvalents que nous produisons. Doté d'une grande résistance à la traction, d'une ductilité élevée et d'une bonne résistance à la corrosion, le cuivre est conçu pour résister aux conditions difficiles des industries que nous servons.
Équilibrer la flexibilité, la résistance et la fatigue des câbles d'aéronefs

Les applications aérospatiales qui utilisent nos câbles pour avions sont essentielles, depuis les commandes de vol jusqu'aux systèmes de commande d'urgence.
Nos nombreuses machines CNC et leurs capacités

Des machines spécifiques sont nécessaires pour créer le bon produit afin de servir notre clientèle dans des délais courts.
Our Cable Products in the Marine Industry

Having a way to meet risks & challenges is essential for marine cable products, just as much as it is for the captain of a ship.
How Does Your Beer Make it to the Table?

In a world where home brewing equipment and other machinery have seemingly simplified the beer making process, there are still challenges and demands that must be met to ensure the process works out.
Car Restoration and Welding Techniques

Beyond sourcing parts and deciding on paint, interior design and other aesthetic features, one of the main tasks is welding repairs. There are plenty of body shops capable of doing this, but many car restoration jobs are preferably done by the individual.
Qu'est-ce qu'un câble de contreventement sismique ?

Loos & Co. Seismic Bracing products can help prevent much of the damage caused by earthquakes, that some home and business owners may not think about.
CWI Coatings for Every Application

High quality metals and alloys promote strength, durability and consistent performance. However, they can be made to last even longer with specialty coatings.
Loos Precision Products Offer Machined Excellence

From aerospace to medical, and industrial to commercial, Loos Precision Products offers innovative solutions for custom-machined hardware and accessories, delivered on time and to your specified requirements.
Central Wire Manufactures Bar Stock For Aerospace and Beyond

Turning premium bar stock metals into fasteners, engine components, fasteners and more is made easy with our quality manufacturing.
Common Questions About Custom Cable Assemblies

Cable assemblies can be as simple or complex as you need them to be. Whatever specifications or customizations you require, we can provide them. It’s what we do!
Where is Fine Wire Used?

Picture this – a wire so thin that it’s almost invisible, yet strong enough to help shape the future of technology in fields as complex as aerospace and medicine – that’s the power of fine wire.
Mass Transfer Using Structured and Random Packing

Both structured and random packing provide unique advantages in the oil and gas industry, as well as other industries. Refinery towers and dehydration columns require the precise performance that packing solutions provide. Enhancing your oil and gas operations is made easy with structured and random packing products.
How to Choose Lashing Wire Material Grades

There has never been a time period as electronically driven as we are in right now. This means more people relying on high-speed telephone service and that the need for preventing or reducing power outages is more prevalent than ever before. Welcome the unsung hero – Lashing Wire.
Overcoming the Challenges of Stainless Steel Welding

Welding presents very unique challenges, many of which revolve around using the right material so that your weld lasts and maintains over a long period of time. One material that can present some challenges is welding using stainless steel.
How Resistance Wire Alloys Bring the Heat

One struggle for some of our customers is finding the right product to handle high temperature environments. Whether this be a home appliance with heating elements or electrical applications where conductivity is the key, resistance wire plays an essential role in your project’s needs.
High-Tension Spring Wire For Any Application

Springs are a universal solution for a variety of modern products ranging from the high-tension performance requirements of heavy equipment and transportation to the rapid flexing and space constraints in electronics and other small objects.
Ressuage fluorescent : Le détecteur de défauts

Nondestructive Testing (NDT) is a group of quality control examination processes used in various mission-critical industries. From aerospace to medical, evaluating materials without compromising the structural integrity, before they go into end-use, is vital.
La lutte du fil de cuivre contre les microbes et les bactéries

De nombreuses industries utilisent le fil de cuivre pour sa conductivité et sa résistance à la corrosion. Mais saviez-vous que de nombreuses entreprises choisissent également le cuivre pour ses propriétés antibactériennes ?
CWI : au service de l'ensemble de l'industrie pétrolière et gazière

The oil and gas industry can be taxing, on not just workers but on products as well. Any materials being used need the appropriate qualities to withstand the harsh conditions of this industry.