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Cold Heading Wire: High-Quality Raw Material for Fasteners & More

Discover CWI's top-grade cold heading wire, your essential raw material for producing fasteners like blind rivets, screws, and bolts.

Interested in learning about the technical details and taking an in-depth look at our alloys used in cold heading wire? Check out our brochure below!

Cold Heading Wire: High-Quality Raw Material for Fasteners & More!

Our Cold Heading material is used extensively in the manufacturing of fastening systems such as but not limited to rivets, fasteners, pins, screws, bolts and washers. We can offer 100% DFARS as required and the broad range of coatings and lubricants, coupled with superior metallurgical consistency, ensure peak performance under demanding conditions of heat and pressure. 


chain steel | cold heading

Our Cold Heading Wire is manufactured from various alloys, including:

- 300 & 400 Series 

- 13-8 Mo, 15-7 Mo 

- Invar 36 

- A 286/660 

• Monel® 400,  K500, X750

• Inconel® 600, 718

• 17-4

• Copper Base Alloys Available


screws | cold heading

The copper-moly coating on our wire securely bonds to the wire surface, and formulates specifically for the most difficult cold and warm-formed parts, allowing for a range of application use:

- Encabezado / forjado en frío

- Rumbo caliente

- Mecanizado

- Cierres de seguridad

- Remaches ciegos

- Pernos

- Empulgueras

- Sistemas de fijación aeroespacial


car |

Our cold heading product is used in a variety of industries, including but not limited to:

- Aeroespacial

- Automotor

- Industrial

• Oil & Gas


Packaging & Brochure Details

CWI has numerous options for packaging your cold heading wire products:

• Coil

- Portador

• Heat-Treated Wooden Boxes (Upon Request)

- Envasado a medida

 If you are looking for more specific details about our cold heading wire, download our 8 Page Brochure.

Cold Heading in Aerospace

Apoyamos a la industria aeroespacial hasta en los tornillos y tuercas. Central Wire es un proveedor de aceros inoxidables y aleaciones a base de níquel, principalmente para la industria de sujetadores utilizados en la estampación en frío, la estampación en caliente, la estampación en caliente y la forja en caliente. Pernos, remaches, tuercas, tornillos con un enfoque principal en aviones, fuselajes de aviones, fuselajes de aviones y motores de aviones. Central Wire gana la confianza del cliente porque operamos con los más altos estándares. Somos AS9100. Nos enorgullecemos de las buenas contrataciones y la buena formación. Creemos que todas estas cosas forman parte de nuestro producto, y se nota en la calidad que entregamos. Elija Central Wire Industries para todas sus necesidades de materias primas para sujetadores.

Learn what a raw material is defined as aquí. 

Submit a Quote for our Cold Heading Wire: High-Quality Raw Material for Fasteners & More Below!