Building on Sustainability Targets in Architecture Applications
Read on to explore some of the changes and adaptations that are changing the Architecture industry in 2024 and beyond.
Subsea Marine Research and CWI Products
When conducting Marine research, precision and material durability are required to produce accurate results.
Coated Cable for Harsh Industry Conditions
Our Coated Cable product line is built to help protect cables in harsh industries and ensure performance doesn’t waver.
Safety and Strength Cables in the Mining Industry
Limiting downtime and maximizing efficiency is key to keeping business on track while keeping workers protected from any of the dangers in Mining applications.
Les nombreuses applications de nos câbles à revêtement spécial
As industry leaders in Coated Cable manufacturing, we take the time to make the perfect product to meet our customers’ requirements every time.
Résistance, flexibilité et solidité : Revêtements en nylon ou en vinyle
A common question we receive is, ‘We know you do both nylon and vinyl coatings on cable, but why would I choose one over the other?’
Câble enrobé - Tout ce qu'il faut savoir
Coated cable is typically wire rope, aircraft cable, or bare cable that has been covered in another material like Poly-Vinyl-Chloride (PVC), Nylon, or Polyethylene.