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CWI Alloys for Corrosion Resistance

As a company that manufactures wire for numerous industries, having a range of alloys that are specifically catered to prevent corrosion is crucial to ensure our customers can find exactly what they need. First, it’s important to understand why metals can corrode.  

Metals can corrode for numerous reasons, especially in harsh conditions. Examples of typical metal corrosions include metal reacting with a substance like oxygen or hydrogen, or a metal being placed under too much stress causing the material to crack.  

At CWI we have the corrosion resistant metal alloys you need to ensure long-lasting performance even in the harshest of conditions. Our research and years of manufacturing experience promise materials that can withstand corrosive environments.  

Today’s Challenges


As industries around the world push for higher and higher levels of performance in their materials, metallurgists continue to develop new and exciting alloys to meet today’s challenges. Regardless of the environment, strain, or temperature that today’s specialty metals need to operate in, there are choices available to engineer a range of solutions in a variety of applications.  

Combining the global resources of the Central Wire Group of Companies, with our Metallurgical knowledge and manufacturing experience, we can provide the highest quality solutions, including the right alloy for your application every time.  

Main Industries

Oil and Gas Pumping Unit
Exploitation minière

Many industries that we serve provide harsh conditions that lead to corrosion risks. Toxic environments, extreme weather, damp settings and more can lead to materials corroding, and eventually damage or malfunction.  

The industries we serve that present these challenges include: 

  • Pétrole et gaz 
  • Marin 
  • Nucléaire 
  • Pétrochimique 
  • Exploitation minière 
  • Agriculture 
  • Construction 
  • …and more! 

Our Corrosion Resistant Metals

Corrosion resistance in a stainless steel or nickel alloy can provide superior performance and extend the working life of a product. Here come are suggested alloys for harsh environments, along with their chemical compositions. 

Acier inoxydable


La série CWI Hi-Strength Stainless 904L est un acier inoxydable austénitique fortement allié, à faible teneur en carbone, conçu pour une résistance à la corrosion modérée à élevée dans une large gamme d'environnements de processus.  

UNS N08904 – Cr: 19.0%-23.0%, Mo: 4.0-5.0%, Ni: 23.0-28.0%, CU: 1.0-2.0% 

Nickel Based

Monel® 400 

La série spécialisée de nickel CWI Monel 400 est un alliage nickel-cuivre offrant une résistance à la corrosion supérieure dans une grande variété de milieux.  

UNS N04400 – Ni: 63.0-70.0% and Cu: 28.0-34.0% with full chemistry to ASTM B164 

Monel® K500 

La série spécialisée de nickel CWI Monel K500 est un alliage nickel-cuivre durcissable par précipitation qui combine la résistance à la corrosion supérieure de l'alliage 400 avec une résistance et une dureté améliorées.  

UNS N05500 – Al: 2.3-3.15%, Ni: 63.0-70.0%, Ti: 0.35-0.85% and Cu: 27.0-33.0% with full chemistry to ASTM B865 

Inconel® 625 

La série de spécialités CWI Nickel Inconel 625 est un alliage à base de nickel utilisé pour sa haute résistance et sa résistance à la corrosion exceptionnelle.  

UNS N06625 – Cr: 20.0-23.0%, Mo: 8.0-1.0% Ni: 58.0% min and Cb: 3.15-4.15% 

Inconel® 825 

CWI Nickel Specialty Series Inconel 825 is an austenitic nickel-iron-chromium alloy with addition of molybdenum and copper. It has excellent resistance to both reducing and oxidizing environments. UNS N08825 – Cr: 19.5-23.5%, Cu: 1.5-3.0%, Mo: 2.5-3.5%, Ni: 38.0-46.0% and Fe: Balance with full chemistry to ASTM B425 


L'alliage CWI Specialty Series X750 est un alliage nickel-chrome durcissable par précipitation utilisé pour sa résistance à la corrosion et à l'oxydation à des températures allant jusqu'à 1300°F (704°C).  

UNS N07750 – Al: 0.40-1.0%, Cb: 0.70-1.20%, Cr: 14.0-17.0%, Fe: 5.0-9.0%, Ni: 70% min and Ti: 2.25-2.75% with full chemistry to AMS 5698 


La série C276 de Nickel Prime de CWI est un alliage nickel-molybdène-chrome renforcé avec une solution solide, avec une petite quantité de tungstène, qui présente une excellente résistance à la corrosion dans une large gamme d'environnements agressifs.  

UNS N10276 – Cr: 14.5-16.5%, Fe: 4.0-7.0, Mo: 15.0-17.0% and balance Nickel, per ASTM B574  


CWI Nickel Prime Series MP35N®* is a multi-phase, nickel-cobalt based alloy that has a unique combination of ultrahigh tensile strength, good toughness and excellent corrosion resistance.  

UNS R30035 – Cr: 19.0-21.0%, Mo: 9.0-10.5%, Ni: 33.0-37.0% and Co: Balance per AMS 5844 

Alliage 20 (20Cb3)  

CWI Nickel Prime série 20 (20Cb3) est un alliage austénitique à base de fer offrant une résistance à la corrosion exceptionnelle dans un grand nombre d'environnements différents. Il offre également une excellente résistance à l'acide sulfurique chaud.  

UNS N08020 – Cr: 19.0-21.0%, Cu: 3.0-4.0%, Mo: 2.0-3.0%, Ni: 32.0-38.0% and Cb: 8xC – 1.0% with full chemistry to ASTM B471, B473 and B475 

The above alloys exhibit excellent corrosion resistance in a range of environments and should be considered for your next challenging application. For more information on which alloys are right for your next project, don’t hesitate to reach out to our talented sales team at [email protected] 


Our team of experts is here to help choose the right material for your project every time. We aren’t just manufacturers, we’re industry experts who are here to make putting your project into action easy. Visit our website ici for full alloy lists and breakdowns, as well as helpful data sheets and more! 

If you’re ready to invest in corrosion resistant materials to tackle your next project, Request a Quote with us today! 

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