Alliage MP35N® : Polyvalence, solidité, résistance

When searching for metal alloys to deploy in crucial applications, reliability and strength are the qualities to search for. MP35N® is an alloy that not only possesses these traits but can handle harsh environments effectively.
Élimination des brouillards et filtration : Le rôle des tampons désembueurs

Alongside knitted mesh in the Tech-Mesh™ product line, demister pads, also known as mist eliminators, are one of the most versatile and influential pieces of filtration equipment.
Investissez-vous dans les bons assemblages de câbles ?

Are You Investing in the Right Cable Assemblies & do you know which one is right for your application? Let’s dive in and find out!
Quelle est la différence entre le soudage MIG et le soudage TIG ?

Chances are, you’ve crossed paths with MIG and TIG welding in conversations about metalwork. But what are the core differences between these two types of welding?
Résistance, flexibilité et solidité : Revêtements en nylon ou en vinyle

A common question we receive is, ‘We know you do both nylon and vinyl coatings on cable, but why would I choose one over the other?’
Les industries alimentées par le stock de barres : Une plongée en profondeur dans les alliages de première qualité

From aerospace to automotive, oil and gas to industrial applications, and renewable energy, Bar Stock’s adaptability and robustness play a pivotal role in shaping our world.
Fil à ressort : X750, MP35N et autres alliages à haute performance

Discover what metal alloys of spring wire we provide, what role spring wire plays in different industries, and other customization options we have available to ensure you are getting the perfect product for your projects
Pourquoi choisir un outil de rétreint à batterie plutôt qu'un outil de rétreint manuel ?

Hand swagers are great swaging tools when you are looking for a reliable, economical solution. However, sometimes you may just want simple and that’s where battery swagers come in!
Quels sont les alliages qui résistent aux températures élevées ?

Today’s specialty metals can work well in any environment, strain, or temperature. Despite harsh demands of different environments, there are plenty of high temperature resistant alloys available!