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Engineering and Design

Engineering and Design Innovations

Customization capabilities are one of our greatest strengths, with products fitting to your exact applications every time. From custom sizing and shapes to precise CNC machining, we can always manufacture the exact product you need.  

Below are our product lines catering to the industry, and the applications of our products in the engineering and design industry.  

Líneas de productos

Barra de acero inoxidable y níquel de primera calidad fabricada hasta 0,750" según las especificaciones del cliente. Altamente personalizable para muchas aplicaciones de uso final e industrias de misión crítica. 

La fabricación CNC personalizada puede utilizar muchas aleaciones diferentes, como acero inoxidable, aluminio, latón y bronce, cobre y níquel. Las piezas personalizadas se prueban internamente para garantizar la calidad, y el mecanizado preciso produce siempre el producto perfecto..    

El alambre para estampación en frío está disponible en aleaciones con base de acero inoxidable, níquel y cobre. Materia prima de calidad para su uso como elementos de fijación, remaches ciegos, tornillos y pernos. 

Disponible en aleaciones de acero inoxidable, dúplex, níquel, cobre, latón y carbono, nuestro alambre moldeado se fabrica a medida en nuestras instalaciones para adaptarse a las necesidades específicas del cliente. Los tamaños de alambre de perfil que ofrecemos son 1.25mm² a 150mm ² CSA (Área de sección transversal). 

These four product lines offer full customization in our manufacturing. Shapes and sizes can be customized to exact needs, with precise manufacturing ensuring you get exactly what you ask for.

Vamos look at the exact capabilities we have for each of these four product lines.  

Aplicaciones de los productos

Centerless grinding process

Rectificado sin centros

Our bar stock metals are available in various stainless steel and nickel alloys, depending on the application required. They can be manufactured up to 0.750” to customer specifications. 

Our centerless grinding capabilities allow for adicional customization. The workpiece is constantly fed through the machine, between the grinding wheel and regulating wheel. The precision allows for exact customer dimensions and tight tolerances to be met, alongside improved surface finish.  

Proceso de mecanizado CNC

Precision Cutting

Our most customizable and precise product line is our CNC machining. This process is considered subtractive manufacturing, as precise cuts are made to create a product from a piece of metal. 

We use CAD (computer aided design) and CAM (computer aided manufacturing) files to give the machine exact cutting commands, resulting in the right product every time.  

propeller of airplane

Rumbo frío

Our cold heading wire is available in multiple alloys, including stainless steel, nickel and copper. The copper-moly coating on our wire securely bonds to the wire surface, formulating specifically for the most difficult cold and warm-formed parts. 

This coating, and our metal alloys allow for cold or hot heading use, to manufacture precise products like bolts, blind rivets, fasteners and more.  

Alambre de forma

Custom Profiles

Our shaped wire has many standard profiles, from round to rectangle to natural rolled. However, we also can customize to exact profiles that you need outside of our standard options. 

Our profiles are manufactured on specialist equipment designed and built in-house with each line having in-line laser measuring – guaranteeing dimensional accuracy. Our capabilities ensure consistency and offer our customers the opportunity to develop complex or demanding requirements.