Sustainability Trends Taking Off in Aerospace

Continue reading to discover some of the trends shaping sustainability and prioritizing a greener future in Aerospace, this year and beyond.
Using Alloy 17-7PH® in Spring Wire

One of the strongest and most versatile alloys we provide, 17-7PH® is a standout in this product line and beyond.
4 Ways We Ensure Cold Heading Material Consistency

Designed to withstand mission critical environments and harsh conditions, material consistency and strength is crucial to the performance of all Cold Heading products.
CWI’s Precision Machining Capabilities Serving Markets with the Highest Quality Requirements

Our CNC Machining tools include milling machines, turning machines and more, which help us meet your exact specifications!
The Importance of Precipitation Hardening

Precipitation hardening is a heat treatment process which increases the tensile strength and hardness of various alloy families. In some cases, this process can increase the yield strength of an alloy fivefold.
The Challenges for Aerospace Cable Assemblies

When it comes to the intricate world of Aircraft Cable Assemblies, the challenges faced are both diverse and demanding.
A Look into Aircraft, Military, & Lock-Clad Assemblies

At Loos & Company, we are proud to serve mission critical industries such as Aerospace and Military and Defense with quality and excellence.
Ausgleich zwischen Flexibilität, Festigkeit und Ermüdung bei Flugzeugkabeln

The Aerospace applications that use our Aircraft Cable are essential, from flight control to emergency control systems.
Unsere zahlreichen CNC-Maschinen und ihre Fähigkeiten

Specific machinery is required to create the right product to serve our customer base with short lead times.
CWI-Beschichtungen für jede Anwendung

High quality metals and alloys promote strength, durability and consistent performance. However, they can be made to last even longer with specialty coatings.
Central Wire fertigt Stangenmaterial für die Luft- und Raumfahrt und darüber hinaus

Turning premium bar stock metals into fasteners, engine components, fasteners and more is made easy with our quality manufacturing.
Wo wird Feindraht verwendet?

Stellen Sie sich vor - ein Draht, der so dünn ist, dass er fast unsichtbar ist, und doch stark genug, um die Zukunft der Technologie in so komplexen Bereichen wie der Luft- und Raumfahrt und der Medizin mitzugestalten - das ist die Kraft von feinem Draht.
Investieren Sie in die richtigen Kabelkonfektionen?

Are You Investing in the Right Cable Assemblies & do you know which one is right for your application? Let’s dive in and find out!
Industriezweige, die von Stangenmaterial angetrieben werden: Ein tiefes Eintauchen in Premium-Legierungen

From aerospace to automotive, oil and gas to industrial applications, and renewable energy, Bar Stock’s adaptability and robustness play a pivotal role in shaping our world.
Federdraht: X750, MP35N und andere Hochleistungslegierungen

Discover what metal alloys of spring wire we provide, what role spring wire plays in different industries, and other customization options we have available to ensure you are getting the perfect product for your projects