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Renewable Energy

Sustainability with Renewable Energy

Renewable energy sources require reliable materials with resistance to the environmental challenges they face. Malfunctions within renewable energy plants or fields means lost money, wasted time and outages for those being provided with energy.

Below are the applications of our product lines in renewable energy. 

Líneas de productos

Barra de acero inoxidable y níquel de primera calidad fabricada hasta 0,750" según las especificaciones del cliente. Altamente personalizable para muchas aplicaciones de uso final e industrias de misión crítica. 

La fabricación CNC personalizada puede utilizar muchas aleaciones diferentes, como acero inoxidable, aluminio, latón y bronce, cobre y níquel. Las piezas personalizadas se prueban internamente para garantizar la calidad, y el mecanizado preciso produce siempre el producto perfecto.  

Custom demister pads manufactured in shapes including round, rectangle, ring and custom. Su sólida estructura de rejilla y su capacidad de ductilidad permiten una eliminación uniforme de la niebla. 

Wire filter mesh made from individual wires that are interlaced, or knitted, together. Los bucles se tejen estratégicamente para poder moverse y estirarse, con flexibilidad y durabilidad para soportar aplicaciones duras. 

Disponible en aleaciones de acero inoxidable, dúplex, níquel, cobre, latón y carbono, nuestro alambre moldeado se fabrica a medida en nuestras instalaciones para adaptarse a las necesidades específicas del cliente. Los tamaños de alambre de perfil que ofrecemos son 1.25mm² a 150mm ² CSA (Área de sección transversal). 

Alambre de soldadura producido para diversas técnicas, como la soldadura MIG, TIG y SAW. Disponible en acero inoxidable y aleaciones a base de níquel. 

Renewable energy sources require reliable materials with resistance to the environmental challenges they face. Malfunctions within renewable energy plants or fields means lost money, wasted time and outages for those being provided with energy.

Below are the applications of our product lines in renewable energy. 

Aplicaciones de los productos


Turbine/Solar Repair

As in all welding applications, quality welds and proper material and technique choice are essential for durable construction and repairs. The renewable energy industry offers different challenges, with harsh weather and high mechanical loads putting more stress on materials. 

Our welding wire performs when the highest levels of quality and safety are required y produces welds that can withstand this industries harshest challenges.  

Perforadoras de petróleo y gas

Filtración líquido-gas

In hydropower energy applications, quality filtration is required for the best results. Our knitted wire mesh and custom demister pads remain consistent in liquid-gas separation applications. Impurities and mist droplets are separated, ensuring purity of the hydrogen y maintaining efficiency and performance within the filtration device

Demister pads can also be used in wind turbines to separate any entrained moisture or droplets from the airflow, ensuring only dry air enters the system. 


Piezas estructurales

Bar stock, CNC machining and shaped wire can all be involved in the structural components of turbine, solar and hydro energy machinery. 

Components such as shafts, bearings, hubs, fasteners, and other small parts must be able to handle both the environmental challenges and high mechanical loads of these applications.  

Solar Panels

Solar Tracking

Solar tracking systems are essential to producing solar energy, as they orient solar panels or mirrors to maximize sunlight exposure throughout the day. Without them, there would be times during the day when solar panels are not as effective as desired in producing energy. 

Bar stock alloys are often employed in the framework and mechanical components of these systems, to provide stability and durability.